Residency Matches
2025 Matches
Ryan Carlson | Massachusetts Eye and Ear | Otolaryngology |
Anna-Lisa Doebley | University of Wisconsin | Internal Medicine & Hematology and Oncology PSTP |
Austin Gabel | Northwestern University | Obstetrics & Gynecology |
Malika Hale | Boston Children’s Hospital | Pediatrics |
Jihoon Lee | Yale University | Internal Medicine |
Maya Lewinsohn | University of Washington | Pediatrics |
Beth Pecha | Virginia Mason Franciscan Health University of Washington |
Medicine – Preliminary Dermatology |
Jose Pineda | Stanford University | Internal Medicine PSTP |
Nick Popp | Mass General Brigham | Clinical Pathology |
Thomas Pulliam | Johns Hopkins | Internal Medicine |
Zak Yaffe | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
2024 Matches
Natasha Edman | Northwestern | Internal Medicine & Cardiology PSTP |
Allison Greaney | University of California San Francisco | Internal Medicine PSTP |
Joseph Janizek | Virginia Mason Franciscan Health
Stanford |
Medicine – Preliminary
Radiology |
Allen Roberts | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
Alec Wilkens | Stanford University | Internal Medicine & Oncology PSTP |
2023 Matches
Eileen Brady | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
Gabe Erion Barner | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | Emergency Medicine |
Kate Crawford | University of Washington | Pathology – CP |
Liam Hovey | University of Washington | Surgery |
Megan Maurano | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
Maria Nelson | University of Washington | Pathology – CP/AP |
Gregory Olson | University of Washington | Pathology – CP/AP |
Shivam Zaver | University of Pennsylvania | Dermatology |
2022 Matches
Karina Diaz | University of Colorado – Denver | Pediatrics |
Alec Gibson | Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania | Neurology |
Ted Gobillot | Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania | Otolaryngology |
Eli Grunblatt | Northwestern University | Internal Medicine |
Nicholas Hasle | University of Washington | Pediatrics – Research |
2021 Matches
Christopher Arakawa | Stanford University | Pediatrics – Research |
Jacob Baudin | Software Engineer | |
Elise Cai | UC San Francisco | Internal Medicine |
David Caldwell | UC San Francisco | Neurological Surgery |
Kenneth Chen | Stanford University | Internal Medicine |
Madeline Geisheker | Oregon Health & Science University | Child Neurology |
Rini Kasinathan | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
John Lazar | UC San Francisco | Internal Medicine |
Juhye Lee | Massachusetts General Hospital | Internal Medicine |
Nicole Naiman | U Texas Southwestern Medical School | Pediatrics |
Mark Ragheb | Stanford University | Pediatrics – Research |
Jesse Resnick | University of Michigan | Internal Medicine PSTP |
Rebecca Resnick | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
Alex Salter | Brigham & Women’s Hospital | Internal Medicine |
Qian Zhang | University of Pittsburgh Northwestern McGaw Medical Center | Medicine – Preliminary Radiation Oncology |
2020 Matches
Erin dela Cruz | UC San Francisco | Internal Medicine |
Max Dougherty | Icahn SOM at Mount Sinai-NY | Internal Medicine – Research Track |
Greg Findlay | The Francis Crick Institute, London | Group Leader |
Alevtina Gall | University of Washington | Pediatrics |
Alexandra Grier | St. Louis Children’s Hospital | Pediatrics – PSTP |
Gabriel Heymann | Yale-New Haven Hospital | Internal Medicine |
Jason Klein | Memorial Sloan-Kettering U Texas Southwestern |
Transitional 1 yr Dermatology |
Paul Lindau | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | Internal Medicine – Research Track |
Natalie Longino | University of Colorado SOM Denver | Internal Medicine – PSTP |
Heather Machkovech | U Wisconsin Hospital and Clinic | Internal Medicine |
Sophia Masi | University of Washington | Child Neurology |
Aaron Seo | Virginia Mason U Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
Internal Medicine 1 yr Radiation Oncology |
Cassandra Simonich | University of Washington | Pediatrics – Research Track |
Theo Sottero | U Texas Southwestern Medical School | Internal Medicine |
William Valente | University of Minnesota Medical School | Internal Medicine – PSTP |
2019 Matches
Gabrielle Barsh | Stanford University | Child Neurology |
Luke Dang | UC Davis Medical Center | Pathology |
Michael Doud | UC San Diego Medical Center | Internal Medicine, Investigator Path |
Sivakanthan Kasinathan | Stanford University | Pediatrics – Research Track |
John Rose | Stanford University | Research Fellowship |
Shawn Yu | U Southern California | Internal Medicine |
2018 Matches
Ben Drum | U Utah Affil Hosp-UT | Med-Peds |
Michael Duyzend | Children’s Hospital Boston-MA | Pediatrics-Medical Genetics |
Steven Levitte | Stanford University-CA | Pediatrics/Research Track |
Natalie Miller | U Washington Affil Hosps-WA | Internal Medicine |
Kate Reid-Bayliss | Cleveland Clinic-OH | Emergency Medicine |
David Young | U Washington Affil Hosps-WA | Anesthesia |
2017 Matches
Eric Alcid | UC San Francisco-CA | Psychiatry |
Heather Barnett | U Washington Affil Hosps | Phys Medicine & Rehab |
Niklas Krumm | U Washington Affil Hosps | Pathology |
John LaMacchia | Brigham & Womens Hosp-MA | Pathology |
Caitlin Milligan | Childrens Hospital-Boston-MA | Pediatrics |
2016 Matches
Russell Berg | U Washington Affil Hosp | Internal Medicine |
Akash Kumar | Stanford Univ Progs-CA | Pediatrics/Research Trk |
Katie Liu | U Washington Affil Hosps | Plastic Surgery (Integrated) |
Alipi Naydenov | U Washington Affil Hosps | Neurology |
Tara (Brinck) Reid | UC San Francisco-East Bay Alameda Health System | Internal Medicine |
Sarah Simmons | U Washington Affil Hosps | Phys Medicine & Rehab |
Anna Sunshine | U Washington Affil Hosps | Psychiatry/Research |
Michael Zhang |
U Washington Affil Hosps UC San Francisco-CA |
Surg-Prelim/1yr Radiation-Oncology |
2015 Matches
Olga Afanasiev | Virginia Mason Medical Center | Stanford UniversityMedicine-Preliminary Dermatology |
Jay Gantz | Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO | Otolaryngology |
Linda Geng | Stanford Univ Progs-CA | Internal Medicine |
Scott Lundy | Cleveland Clinic Foundation Cleveland Clinic Foundation |
Surgurgy -Preliminary Urology |
Caitlin Rippey | University of Washington | Psychiatry |
Arjun Rustagi | Stanford Univ Progs-CA | Internal Medicine |
Andrew Stergachis | Brigham & Womens Hosp-MA | Internal Medicine/Medical Genetics |
2014 Matches
Sarah Baxter | U Washington Affil Hosps | Pediatrics |
Eric Bluemn | U Massachusetts Med School | Vasuclar Surgery |
Edward Cheng | U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor | Internal Medicine |
Cassie Chou | U Washington Affil Hosps | Pediatrics |
Maegan Dirac | Swedish Medical Center-WA | Family Medicine |
Sam Emerson | U Washington Affil Hosps | Neurological Surgery |
Joe Hiatt | UCSF | Internal Medicine |
Jessica Hsu | U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor | Plastic Surgery (Integrated) |
Kyle MacQuarrie | Northwestern McGaw/Lurie Peds-IL | Pediatrics |
Tony Raubitschek | U Washington Affil Hosps | Internal Medicine |
Nate Tulloch | U Washington Affil Hosps | Internal Medicine |
2013 Matches
Andrea Arnett | UCSF-Fresno Mayo School of Grad Med Educ |
Preliminary Medicine Radiation Oncology |
Muyiwa Awoniyi | U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor | Internal Medicine |
Lisa Beutler | UCSF | Internal Medicine |
Dan Eskenazi | New York Presbyterian Hosp-Columbia University Medical Center, NY | Psychiatry/Levy Neuroscience Postdoctoral Fellowship |
Nabiha Huq Saifee | University of Washington | Pathology-Anat & Clinc. |
Andy Itsara | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
Sharon Paige | Stanford | Pediatrics |
Kellie Rosinski | University of Washington | Internal Medicine |
Nick Coley | University of Washington | Postdoc Year |
2012 Matches
Juliane Gust | U Washington Affil Hosps | Child Neurology |
Whitney Harrington | U Washington Affil Hosps | Pediatrics |
Sarah Mahoney | Johns Hopkins Hosp | Pediatrics |
Marcia Paddock | NYP Hosp-Weill Cornell Med Ctr | Internal Med/Research |
Kelly Paulson (Garneski) | U Washington Affil Hosps | Internal Medicine/Seattle |
Jesse Salk | U Washington Affil Hosps | Internal Medicine/Seattle |
Michael Schmitt | U Washington Affil Hosps | Internal Medicine |
Beth Thielen | U Minnesota Med School | Medicine-Pediatrics |
Anda Cornea | Swedish Hospital University of Washington |
General Surgery Radiology |
Kellie Rosinski (Vigna) | University of Washington | Post-doctoral fellow |
2011 Matches
Ben Buelow | UC San Francisco-CA | Pathology |
Patrick Cimino | Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO | Anat/Clin & Anat Path |
Carla Fowler | Stanford Univ Progs-CA | General Surgery |
Jessica Garbern | Childrens Hospital-Boston-MA | Pediatrics |
Jonathan Golob | U Washington Affil Hosps | Internal Med |
Teri Greiling | Virginia Mason Med Ctr-WA | Transitional |
Teri Greiling | Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT | Dermatology |
Scott James | U Washington Affil Hosps | Internal Medicine |
Brian Lundstrom | U Washington Affil Hosps | Neurology |
Tim Menza | Brigham & Womens Hosp-MA | Med- Peds/Harvard BWH/CHB |
Kai Miller | Stanford Univ Progs-CA | Neurological Surgery |
Anne Piantadosi | Massachusetts Gen Hosp | Internal Medicine |
Steve Salipante | U Washington Affil Hosps | Clinical Pathology |
Michael Schmitt | U Washington Affil Hosps | Post-Doc UW Loeb Lab |
Brian Schultz | Northwestern McGaw/NMH/VA-IL | Psychiatry |
Umut Ulge | Indiana Univ Sch Of Med | Internal Medicine |
2010 Matches
Sunil Aggarwal | Virginia Mason Medical Center NYU School of Medicine | Medicine-Preliminary Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation |
Smita De | Stanford Univ Progs-CA | Urology |
Paul Murphy | U Washington Affil Hosps UC San Diego Medical Center | Medicine-Preliminary Rad-Diag/Research |
Leah Ronald* | St. Joseph Hospital Duke University Medical Center |
Transitional Dermatology |
Hitomi Sakano | U Minnesota Med School | Medicine-Pediatrics |
David Spencer | Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO | Clinical Pathology |
Joshua Veatch | U Washington Affil Hosps | Otolaryngology |
James Ronald*
(Grad ’09) |
St Joseph Hospital Duke University Medical Center |
Medicine-Preliminary Radiology-Diagnostic |
*Couples match, JR deferred from 2009
2009 Matches
Laura Certain | Massachusetts Gen Hosp | Internal Medicine |
Karen Chisholm | Stanford University | Pathology-Anatomic & Clinical |
Angela Collie
(Grad ’08) |
Cleveland Clinic Fdn-OH | Pathology-Anatomic & Clinical |
Susan Fink | Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT | Pathology-Anatomic & Clinical |
Thomas Robey | Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT | Emergency Medicine |
Ali Ravanpay | U Washington Affil Hosps | Neurological Surgery |
James Ronald | U Washington, Div. of Medical Genetics | Postdoctoral Fellow, Jarvik Lab |
Patrick Thomas | UCLA Semel Inst for Neuroscience-CA | Psych/Harbor-NPI-WLAVA |
2008 Matches
Michelle Dossett | Beth Israel Deaconess (Harvard affil.) | Internal Medicine |
Elizabeth Brown | UC San Francisco-CA | Emergency Medicine |
Angela Collie | Deferred Residency | See 2009 |
Rafael Hernandez | U Washington Affil Hosps | Pediatrics |
Luke Judge | UC San Francisco-CA | Pediatrics |
Ern Loh | U Washington Affil Hosps ,UC Davis | Preliminary Internal Medicine, then Dermatology |
Atis Muehlenbachs | U Washington Affil Hosps | Pathology/Anat & Clinical |
John Newman | UC San Francisco-CA | Internal Medicine |
Emily Speelmon | Johns Hopkins Hosp | Internal Medicine |