
Residency Matches

2025 Matches

Ryan Carlson Massachusetts Eye and Ear Otolaryngology
Anna-Lisa Doebley University of Wisconsin Internal Medicine & Hematology and
Oncology PSTP
Austin Gabel Northwestern University Obstetrics & Gynecology
Malika Hale Boston Children’s Hospital Pediatrics
Jihoon Lee Yale University Internal Medicine
Maya Lewinsohn University of Washington Pediatrics
Beth Pecha Virginia Mason Franciscan Health
University of Washington
Medicine – Preliminary
Jose Pineda Stanford University Internal Medicine PSTP
Nick Popp Mass General Brigham Clinical Pathology
Thomas Pulliam Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine
Zak Yaffe University of Washington Internal Medicine

2024 Matches

Natasha Edman Northwestern Internal Medicine & Cardiology PSTP
Allison Greaney University of California San Francisco Internal Medicine PSTP
Joseph Janizek Virginia Mason Franciscan Health


Medicine – Preliminary


Allen Roberts University of Washington Internal Medicine
Alec Wilkens Stanford University Internal Medicine & Oncology PSTP


2023 Matches

Eileen Brady University of Washington Internal Medicine
Gabe Erion Barner Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Emergency Medicine
Kate Crawford University of Washington Pathology – CP
Liam Hovey University of Washington Surgery
Megan Maurano University of Washington Internal Medicine
Maria Nelson University of Washington Pathology – CP/AP
Gregory Olson University of Washington Pathology – CP/AP
Shivam Zaver University of Pennsylvania Dermatology

2022 Matches

Karina Diaz University of Colorado – Denver Pediatrics
Alec Gibson Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Neurology
Ted Gobillot Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Otolaryngology
Eli Grunblatt Northwestern University Internal Medicine
Nicholas Hasle University of Washington  Pediatrics – Research

2021 Matches

Christopher Arakawa Stanford University Pediatrics – Research
Jacob Baudin Google Software Engineer
Elise Cai UC San Francisco Internal Medicine
David Caldwell UC San Francisco Neurological Surgery
Kenneth Chen Stanford University Internal Medicine
Madeline Geisheker Oregon Health & Science University Child Neurology
Rini Kasinathan University of Washington Internal Medicine
John Lazar UC San Francisco Internal Medicine
Juhye Lee Massachusetts General Hospital Internal Medicine
Nicole Naiman U Texas Southwestern Medical School Pediatrics
Mark Ragheb Stanford University Pediatrics – Research
Jesse Resnick University of Michigan Internal Medicine PSTP
Rebecca Resnick University of Washington Internal Medicine
Alex Salter Brigham & Women’s Hospital Internal Medicine
Qian Zhang University of Pittsburgh Northwestern McGaw Medical Center Medicine – Preliminary Radiation Oncology


2020 Matches

Erin dela Cruz UC San Francisco Internal Medicine
Max Dougherty Icahn SOM at Mount Sinai-NY Internal Medicine – Research Track
Greg Findlay The Francis Crick Institute, London Group Leader
Alevtina Gall University of Washington Pediatrics
Alexandra Grier St. Louis Children’s Hospital Pediatrics – PSTP
Gabriel Heymann Yale-New Haven Hospital Internal Medicine
Jason Klein Memorial Sloan-Kettering
U Texas Southwestern
Transitional 1 yr Dermatology
Paul Lindau Vanderbilt University Medical Center Internal Medicine – Research Track
Natalie Longino University of Colorado SOM Denver Internal Medicine – PSTP
Heather Machkovech U Wisconsin Hospital and Clinic Internal Medicine
Sophia Masi University of Washington Child Neurology
Aaron Seo Virginia Mason
U Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Internal Medicine 1 yr
Radiation Oncology
Cassandra Simonich University of Washington Pediatrics – Research Track
Theo Sottero U Texas Southwestern Medical School Internal Medicine
William Valente University of Minnesota Medical School Internal Medicine – PSTP

2019 Matches

Gabrielle Barsh Stanford University Child Neurology
Luke Dang UC Davis Medical Center Pathology
Michael Doud UC San Diego Medical Center Internal Medicine, Investigator Path
Sivakanthan Kasinathan Stanford University Pediatrics – Research Track
John Rose Stanford University Research Fellowship
Shawn Yu U Southern California Internal Medicine

2018 Matches

Ben Drum U Utah Affil Hosp-UT Med-Peds
Michael Duyzend Children’s Hospital Boston-MA Pediatrics-Medical Genetics
Steven Levitte Stanford University-CA Pediatrics/Research Track
Natalie Miller U Washington Affil Hosps-WA Internal Medicine
Kate Reid-Bayliss Cleveland Clinic-OH Emergency Medicine
David Young U Washington Affil Hosps-WA Anesthesia

2017 Matches

Eric Alcid UC San Francisco-CA Psychiatry
Heather Barnett U Washington Affil Hosps Phys Medicine & Rehab
Niklas Krumm U Washington Affil Hosps Pathology
John LaMacchia Brigham & Womens Hosp-MA Pathology
Caitlin Milligan Childrens Hospital-Boston-MA Pediatrics

2016 Matches

Russell Berg U Washington Affil Hosp Internal Medicine
Akash Kumar Stanford Univ Progs-CA Pediatrics/Research Trk
Katie Liu U Washington Affil Hosps Plastic Surgery (Integrated)
Alipi Naydenov U Washington Affil Hosps Neurology
Tara (Brinck) Reid UC San Francisco-East Bay Alameda Health System Internal Medicine
Sarah Simmons U Washington Affil Hosps Phys Medicine & Rehab
Anna Sunshine U Washington Affil Hosps Psychiatry/Research
Michael Zhang

U Washington Affil Hosps

UC San Francisco-CA



2015 Matches

Olga Afanasiev Virginia Mason Medical Center Stanford UniversityMedicine-Preliminary Dermatology
Jay Gantz Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO Otolaryngology
Linda Geng Stanford Univ Progs-CA Internal Medicine
Scott Lundy Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Surgurgy -Preliminary
Caitlin Rippey University of Washington Psychiatry
Arjun Rustagi Stanford Univ Progs-CA Internal Medicine
Andrew Stergachis Brigham & Womens Hosp-MA Internal Medicine/Medical Genetics

2014 Matches

Sarah Baxter U Washington Affil Hosps Pediatrics
Eric Bluemn U Massachusetts Med School Vasuclar Surgery
Edward Cheng U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor Internal Medicine
Cassie Chou U Washington Affil Hosps Pediatrics
Maegan Dirac Swedish Medical Center-WA Family Medicine
Sam Emerson U Washington Affil Hosps Neurological Surgery
Joe Hiatt UCSF Internal Medicine
Jessica Hsu U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery (Integrated)
Kyle MacQuarrie Northwestern McGaw/Lurie Peds-IL Pediatrics
Tony Raubitschek U Washington Affil Hosps Internal Medicine
Nate Tulloch U Washington Affil Hosps Internal Medicine

2013 Matches

Andrea Arnett UCSF-Fresno
Mayo School of Grad Med Educ
Preliminary Medicine Radiation Oncology
Muyiwa Awoniyi U Michigan Hosps-Ann Arbor Internal Medicine
Lisa Beutler UCSF Internal Medicine
Dan Eskenazi New York Presbyterian Hosp-Columbia University Medical Center, NY Psychiatry/Levy Neuroscience Postdoctoral Fellowship
Nabiha Huq Saifee University of Washington Pathology-Anat & Clinc.
Andy Itsara University of Washington Internal Medicine
Sharon Paige Stanford Pediatrics
Kellie Rosinski University of Washington Internal Medicine
Nick Coley University of Washington Postdoc Year

2012 Matches

Juliane Gust U Washington Affil Hosps Child Neurology
Whitney Harrington U Washington Affil Hosps Pediatrics
Sarah Mahoney Johns Hopkins Hosp Pediatrics
Marcia Paddock NYP Hosp-Weill Cornell Med Ctr Internal Med/Research
Kelly Paulson (Garneski) U Washington Affil Hosps Internal Medicine/Seattle
Jesse Salk U Washington Affil Hosps Internal Medicine/Seattle
Michael Schmitt U Washington Affil Hosps Internal Medicine
Beth Thielen U Minnesota Med School Medicine-Pediatrics
Anda Cornea Swedish Hospital
University of Washington
General Surgery
Kellie Rosinski (Vigna) University of Washington Post-doctoral fellow

2011 Matches

Ben Buelow UC San Francisco-CA Pathology
Patrick Cimino Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO Anat/Clin & Anat Path
Carla Fowler Stanford Univ Progs-CA General Surgery
Jessica Garbern Childrens Hospital-Boston-MA Pediatrics
Jonathan Golob U Washington Affil Hosps Internal Med
Teri Greiling Virginia Mason Med Ctr-WA Transitional
Teri Greiling Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT Dermatology
Scott James U Washington Affil Hosps Internal Medicine
Brian Lundstrom U Washington Affil Hosps Neurology
Tim Menza Brigham & Womens Hosp-MA Med- Peds/Harvard BWH/CHB
Kai Miller Stanford Univ Progs-CA Neurological Surgery
Anne Piantadosi Massachusetts Gen Hosp Internal Medicine
Steve Salipante U Washington Affil Hosps Clinical Pathology
Michael Schmitt U Washington Affil Hosps Post-Doc UW Loeb Lab
Brian Schultz Northwestern McGaw/NMH/VA-IL Psychiatry
Umut Ulge Indiana Univ Sch Of Med Internal Medicine

2010 Matches

Sunil Aggarwal Virginia Mason Medical Center NYU School of Medicine Medicine-Preliminary Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Smita De Stanford Univ Progs-CA Urology
Paul Murphy U Washington Affil Hosps UC San Diego Medical Center Medicine-Preliminary Rad-Diag/Research
Leah Ronald* St. Joseph Hospital
Duke University Medical Center
Hitomi Sakano U Minnesota Med School Medicine-Pediatrics
David Spencer Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO Clinical Pathology
Joshua Veatch U Washington Affil Hosps Otolaryngology
James Ronald*

(Grad ’09)

St Joseph Hospital
Duke University Medical Center

*Couples match, JR deferred from 2009


2009 Matches

Laura Certain Massachusetts Gen Hosp Internal Medicine
Karen Chisholm Stanford University Pathology-Anatomic & Clinical
Angela Collie

(Grad ’08)

Cleveland Clinic Fdn-OH Pathology-Anatomic & Clinical
Susan Fink Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT Pathology-Anatomic & Clinical
Thomas Robey Yale-New Haven Hosp-CT Emergency Medicine
Ali Ravanpay U Washington Affil Hosps Neurological Surgery
James Ronald U Washington, Div. of Medical Genetics Postdoctoral Fellow, Jarvik Lab
Patrick Thomas UCLA Semel Inst for Neuroscience-CA Psych/Harbor-NPI-WLAVA

2008 Matches

Michelle Dossett Beth Israel Deaconess (Harvard affil.) Internal Medicine
Elizabeth Brown UC San Francisco-CA Emergency Medicine
Angela Collie Deferred Residency See 2009
Rafael Hernandez U Washington Affil Hosps Pediatrics
Luke Judge UC San Francisco-CA Pediatrics
Ern Loh U Washington Affil Hosps ,UC Davis Preliminary Internal Medicine, then Dermatology
Atis Muehlenbachs U Washington Affil Hosps Pathology/Anat & Clinical
John Newman UC San Francisco-CA Internal Medicine
Emily Speelmon Johns Hopkins Hosp Internal Medicine