6:00-6:25 PM Dinner & Announcements
6:30-7:00 PM Student Speaker: Ted Gobillot (E-14)
Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program, Overbaugh Lab
Topic: “Defining Zika virus presence in East Africa”
7:00-7:30 PM Faculty Speakers: Colin Pritchard, MD, PhD, Nik Krumm, MD, PhD, and Andy Hoofnagle, MD, PhD
Colin Pritchard, MD, PhD: Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington
“A Career in Cancer Molecular Diagnostics”
Nik Krumm, MD, PhD: Chief Resident, Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Washington
Andy Hoofnagle, MD, PhD: Professor, Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington
“Changing Diagnosis Through Clinical Chemistry”