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Dinner Meeting

Event Details

  • Date:

Student Speaker: Cassie Simonich (E-11) Overbaugh Lab, Graduate Student, MCB
Talk Title:”Identification of novel HIV-1-specific neutralizing antibodies with limited hypermutation from an infant”

Faculty Speaker: Joseph Mougous, PhD Associate Professor, Microbiology
Talk Title: Rules of engagement in contact-mediated interbacterial antagonism”

Add to Calendar 02/18/2016 06:00 pm 02/18/2016 07:30 pm America/Los_Angeles Dinner Meeting Student Speaker: Cassie Simonich (E-11) Overbaugh Lab, Graduate Student, MCB Talk Title:”Identification of novel HIV-1-specific neutralizing antibodies with limited hypermutation from an infant” Faculty Speaker: Joseph Mougous, PhD Associate Professor, Microbiology Talk Title: Rules of engagement in contact-mediated interbacterial antagonism”