Presenter: Chris Arakawa (E-12)
paper: Cole A. DeForest & Kristi S. Anseth
Cytocompatible click-based hydrogels with dynamically tunable properties through orthogonal photoconjugation and photocleavage reactions. Nature Chemistry 3, 925–931 (2011).
Supplementary Information.
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01/23/2014 05:45 pm
01/23/2014 07:00 pm
MSTP Winter Quarter Journal Club
Presenter: Chris Arakawa (E-12) paper: Cole A. DeForest & Kristi S. Anseth Cytocompatible click-based hydrogels with dynamically tunable properties through orthogonal photoconjugation and photocleavage reactions. Nature Chemistry 3, 925–931 (2011). Supplementary Information.