What's Happening
July 23, 2020
MCAT Scores Are Optional for MSTP This Year

We recognize that COVID-19-related disruptions have made it difficult or impossible for many applicants to take the MCAT. For those who have not yet taken the MCAT, please do not be concerned. The MCAT will be optional for our MSTP for the remainder of 2020. That is, we will accept and evaluate applications without MCAT…
June 15, 2020
Oren Traub Fellowship

We are pleased to introduce the inaugural recipients of the Oren Traub Fellowship. Oren was a super special person, not just brilliant and funny, but a loving husband and a valued friend whose joie de vivre was apparent during any interaction with him. He was someone who literally lit up the room with humor, personal…
May 20, 2020
New APL Bioengineering Publication

MSTP E-15 Student Eileen Brady’s research on Guided Vascularization has been published in APL Bioengineering. The article explores the challenges in replacing damaged organ tissue.
December 9, 2019
New Science Publication

MSTP student (E-14) Sanjay Srivatsan’s research on massively multiplex chemical transcriptomics at single cell resolution has been published in December’s Science publication. This article explores the use of sci-Plex, which uses ‘nuclear hashing’ to quantify global transcriptional responses to thousands of independent perturbations at single-cell resolution. Their results reveal substantial intercellular heterogeneity in response to specific compounds,…
November 26, 2019
A Family Tree and a Timely Genetic Test

UW Medicine has featured the cancer research of MSTP alumni Colin Pritchard (entered ’98, graduated ’07) and Heather Cheng (entered ’98, graduated ’07) through the story of the Mallard family. Their research on how hereditary cancers are passed down and treated is continuing to improve the lives of families just like the Mallards.
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