What's Happening
April 28, 2022
New Cancer Cell Paper from Josh Veatch

2010 UW MSTP alum Joshua Veatch, Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology, has recently published a paper in Cancer Cell. His current research focus in the lab is the understanding the way CD4+ T cells are involved in the immune response to human cancer. Read More: Neoantigen-Specific CD4+ T Cells in Human Melanoma Have Diverse…
October 20, 2021
Scientific American honors Colin Pritchard

2007 UW MSTP alum Colin Pritchard is the recipient of Scientific American’s Catalyst for Precision Medicine Award.
July 2, 2021
New Science publication on sci-Space, a spatially resolved version of sci-RNA-seq

Sanjay Srivatsan (MSTP Entry 2014) is first author on new Science publication on sci-Space, a spatially resolved version of sci-RNA-seq.
June 2, 2021
New Papers in Nature Machine Intelligence

MSTP students Alex DeGrave (MSTP entry 2018), Joe Janizek (MSTP entry 2016), and Gabe Erion (MSTP entry 2015) Improve Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis.
Cassia Wagner Leads Study of How Coronavirus Transmission Shaped the Washington State Outbreak

Cassia Wagner (MSTP entry 2018), a first-year graduate student in Trevor Bedford’s lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, is co-first author of a new study in Science Translational Medicine showing how the early outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in Washington State unfolded.
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